21st Century New Deal

Mission Statement

To restore New Deal values of a government that acts for the many rather than the wealthy few.


As descendants of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the men and women who helped him design the New Deal of the 1930s, we believe in the responsibility of the federal government, in concert with state and local governments, to create 21st Century-styled New Deal programs that will provide economic and social justice for all, regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or economic status. 

These must include progressive taxation that asks the rich and corporations to pay their fair share, an unencumbered right to vote, an urgent transition to a clean energy economy, and access to affordable education and decent-paying employment, including subsidized federal jobs programs in tough times, recognizing that gainful employment is the foundation of economic security, optimal health, personal dignity, and a stronger democracy.  In collaboration with allied groups, we seek to educate, empower, and support elected officials and community groups in creating a society that is more just, caring, and inclusive. 


Image Credit: Politico





1. Transitional jobs for every American that wants one.

2. Expanded Unemployment Insurance to protect American workers as they search for new employment.

3. Higher minimum wage and stronger union protections for American workers.

4. Robust earning supplements in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC).

5. Paid leave and childcare for all American workers and their families. 

6. Health insurance reform that includes universal coverage, good benefits, choice of health care providers, fair financing, and cost control.

7. Urgent action to fight the climate crisis, including a total transition away from fossil fuels, with a focus on jobs in renewable energy and climate mitigation and adaptation, such as through a well-funded Civilian Climate Corps.

8. Progressive taxation requiring the wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. 

9. Educational action that addresses racial disparities, student debt, and prepares our workforce for the jobs of the 21st-century economy.

10. Voting made easier rather than more difficult, with no partisan political manipulation or interference, and no racial or economic bias.